Music Madness™ • Volume III Coming August 1993 Registered “Music Madness” users get SPECIAL PRICING! If you think this CD-ROM is good just wait until Volume III arrives in August of 1993. This CD-ROM represents the first CD-ROM with Macintosh Music & Sound files in 44, 22 and 11K that can be used for commercial or non-commercial use. You WILL want to be notified of this update. Registered Volume II users will receive a SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNT on upgrading, so be sure and return the following registration card. -------------------------------------------∞I⇧°---------------------------------------------------- YES, I WANT TO BE NOTIFIED OF VOLUME II SPECIAL PRICING! Dear Arizona Macintosh Users Group, 4131 N. 24th Street #A-120 Phoenix, AZ 85016 (602) 553-8966 FAX (602) 553-8771 Enclosed is my registration information. Please notify me of my SPECIAL PRICING options available on Volume III. Name Address City State Zip Phone Comments Send Registration to: AMUG • 4131 N. 24th Street #A-120 • Phoenix, AZ 85016 (602) 553-8966 “Music Madness II” Copyright © 1993 Arizona Macintosh Users Group/MacWizards and its Licensors. All rights reserved. All Music Copyright © 1993 John Wroble.